LYFT Career Pathways has a lot of resources available related to labor markets, CTE licensure, child labor laws, work-based learning and college and career readiness. You can also view maps showing LYFT-funded projects in the region and watch LYFT videos.
The College and Career Readiness Guide is a collection of resources that provide a comprehensive set of guidance, strategies, and tools for engaging districts and schools in equity-oriented CCR program planning and a continuous improvement process.
Child Labor Laws were enacted to ensure that when young people work, the work is safe and does not jeopardize their health, well-being or educational opportunities. While it can seem complicated, understanding labors laws is important for the protection of the student, employer, and the school.
Learn more about the Alternative Teacher Prep Program and the Teacher Induction Program.
The LYFT Career Pathways region is served by three Regional Development Commissions, each serving specific counties. They can provide these valuable resources and grant-writing assistance to improve the quality of your application.
These websites offer valuable labor market information.
Find the information you need about the Minnesota West Contracted PSEO Process for Shared CTE High School Courses
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Work-based learning is a structured academic program where students engage in real-world activities with instruction occurring both at school and at a community-based setting with an employer.
Future Forward
FutureForward™ helps students find their career passion and provides a space for classroom educators to guide students toward business professionals who share their knowledge and passion for keeping jobs local.
Meeting & Conference Resources
Looking for resources from our annual meetings and conferences? Agendas and conference handouts are available!