A partnership between Tracy Area, Russell-Tyler-Ruthton, and Murray County Central Public Schools; RALCO-trū™ Shrimp; and Minnesota West were awarded $48,779 to develop a one-semester Aquaculture course. This hands-on class will teach students about the aquaculture industry by focusing on skill development in math, chemistry, biology, robotics, animal nutrition, water purification, genetics, plant science and algae, and critical thinking and decision making.
The instructional model will combine direct team teaching by ag teachers from all three districts, and trū™ Shrimp scientists and management. Students from the partnering school districts will travel to the trū™ Shrimp facility in Balaton two days per week to work collaboratively in labs to reach common goals. Each school will have saltwater aquariums and testing equipment in their district to conduct labs and learn the process of raising shrimp.
The role of trū™ Shrimp will be to incorporate “real world” experiences by allowing students to learn directly from actual scientists and business people who have started this innovative business in southwest Minnesota. Employees at trūshrimp will demonstrate all levels of the shrimp industry by allowing students to be an active participant in many levels of shrimp production from the beginning to the end. The skills the students learn in this course will be transferable to a wide variety of agriculture businesses and occupations.
In the fall of 2018, 11 students took this course.
For more information contact Chad Anderson at Tracy Area Schools.
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources