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LYFT Career Pathways

The Major Madness event was designed for our English Language Learner students to become more familiar with the various training programs, careers, resources and tools available for making decisions for “What’s Next After High School” in southwest Minnesota. This event is hosted by the Southwest West Central Service Cooperative, Minnesota West Community and Technical College, Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU), Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council, Upward Bound, and LYFT Career Pathways.

On November 8, 2023, the Major Madness event at Minnesota West in Worthington was held with five school districts participating: Hills-Beaver Creek, Windom, Fulda, Heron-Lake Okabena, and the Worthington Learning Center.

Students learned about the various programs available at Minnesota West, Southwest Minnesota State University, and local careers. Local business and industry representatives were in attendance during the Discovery Fair to visit with students about their companies and careers.

Leading up to the Discovery Fair, students completed an interest assessment, watched LYFT’s “What’s Next After High School” video and learned how to use the 3 Es Roadmap on the LYFT Career Pathways website.

After the Discovery Fair, lunch was served, and a panel of students concluded the day discussing their journeys from high school to college and/or career.

Our second day was held on November 9, 2023, in Marshall at SMSU. Another five school districts participated: Lac qui Parle Valley High School, Renville County West, Marshall High School, Yellow Medicine East, and New London Spicer. The agenda was the same, however the student panel changed some based-on location from Worthington to Marshall.

In total 100 students attended the two events.

More to Come for 2024 Major Madness Event
Major Madness is already in the planning stages for 2024. If you are interested in helping plan, sponsor or being involved in the event, please contact us! We look forward to sharing more on this year’s event once more is available.

students at tables listening to speakers