What is LYFT?
Launch Your Future Today (LYFT) is a rural CTE pathway initiative to rebuild career and technical education (CTE) in southwest and west central MN, funded through a state-wide $3 million Rural CTE Consortium Grant passed by the Minnesota Legislature.
LYFT funding is available to high schools (and their partners) to develop shared CTE courses and programs ... with the goal that every secondary student in the region gains marketable skills through meaningful CTE courses and opportunities that lead to further education and careers that match our region's labor market needs.
Read the LYFT Flyer
News & Events
Latest News
On January 16, 2025, educators, industry professionals, and students gathered at the Tatonka II & III Rooms in Jackpot Junction, Morton, MN, for the LYFT’n Up Career ConneCTEd Excellence in SW/WC Minnesota Conference. This day-long event, organized by SWWC Service Cooperative, was a celebration of collaboration, innovation, and dedication to empowering the next generation through meaningful career pathways.
The 2024 Southwest Minnesota Career Expo took place on September 24th and 25th at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall and Minnesota West-Worthington. This year’s event welcomed 124 employers and educational programs, giving high school students valuable insights into career paths and educational opportunities while showcasing the types of jobs offered by local businesses.
As labor force demand increases, more attention is being given to our high school graduates – where are they going and how do we keep more of them in our rural regions now that we have a plethora of opportunities available. This report tracks high school graduates in Southwest Minnesota from 2008 through 2019, examining what sorts of education and career paths they have traveled. By identifying the types of high school experiences they had, we can better understand what strategies to focus on that might keep more young people in the region.
If you are new here, welcome to LYFT Career Pathways! Let us introduce ourselves and why we are here.
The Major Madness event was designed for our English Language Learner students to become more familiar with the various training programs, careers, resources and tools available for making decisions for “What’s Next After High School” in southwest Minnesota. This event is hosted by the Southwest West Central Service Cooperative, Minnesota West Community and Technical College, Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU), Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council, Upward Bound, and LYFT Career Pathways.
JFF's Pathway to Prosperity Network aligns greatly with the priorities of LYFT.
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Featured Projects
Learn more about some of the projects funded by LYFT Career Pathways by clicking the images.
A partnership between Redwood Valley High School, Minnesota West Community and Technical College, and Redwood Falls Police Department has received a $15,000 LYFT Pathways Innovation award to develop an intro level course with hands-on opportunities for students.
A partnership between the Marshall High School and Mainstay Coffee has received a $14,879 LYFT Pathways Innovation award that will provide pre-employment skills to their students to help prepare them for independent employment and career opportunities after high school.
A partnership between the Adrian High School, Joens Woodworking, Veld Lumber, and Kruse Welding has received a $15,000.
A partnership between Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (PIC), several school districts and employers from Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Redwood, and Yellow Medicine counties.
A partnership between Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services (CMJTS), Willmar Public Schools, Community Inclusion Center (CIC), and several local employers.